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Behind the Scenes at Rose Lane Flowers

here at Rose Lane every day is filled with lots of fun color from the beautiful nature called flowers. Each morning as the sun comes up you will likely find us in the flower field with buckets and scissors cutting many beautiful blooms. After letting our buckets of flowers sit in a cool place for 30 minutes to an hour to drink the water and get hydrated. We are now ready to process these flowers. If its a Monday morning we bunch flowers by color and put them in buckets for wholesale delivery. Monday morning we also make lots of bouquets that will be sleeved and put in buckets for our grocery stores that will later be bought by our many wonderful customers. Tuesday morning we load the bouquets and buckets of sunflowers, gladiolus, and lots and lots of other flowers and the wholesale route gets run. Wednesday morning you will find us hard at it again making many bouquets for the farmers market and bunching sunflowers for more wholesale. Thursday we load the truck again and are off to farmers market to meet more of our many wonderful customers. Friday we make bouquets again for Saturday market and Saturday we are off to market again. Sunday is a day of rest and we take this day to go to church and worship this awesome creator of all these beautiful flowers. and of course in between all these larger quantity of things we are filling website and phone orders. Assisting our customers and people who want to pick there own. we also are kept very busy doing party arrangements and wedding bouquets.

A big thank you to our customers without you our business could not survive.


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